Tuesday, 22 November 2011

An article that every startup manager should read ...

A few weeks ago, I came across this blog article and it occurred to me that, while it was aimed at advising inexperienced designers, its points relate significantly to how design clients can best assist the design process.

Often the success of a project depends as much on the client's willingness to be flexible and receptive as it does on the designer. Many designers already know this, but are understandably loathe to suggest as much to their clients for fear of offending.

By substituting just one word throughout the linked article, you've got yourself a great primer should you ever embark on design contracting.

Just swap the word "designers" for the phrase "design clients", and every point is relevant - including Point 4, by the way.

Saturday, 5 November 2011

Logo design: Pay more to get less

A consistent aspect of logos associated with high profile companies and mega-corporations is their utter simplicity. Apple, McDonalds, BHP Billiton, IBM, et al, have all spent fortunes on logo/brand development and have arrived at designs with minimal detail and simple colour combinations.

By contrast, many small companies with limited budgets manage to obtain logos with intricate colour blending, detail, shading and highlight, and even 3D rendering.

By comparison, the IBM logo looks as dull as dishwater.

So who got the better deal?

That depends on how much a business wants to expand in the future while retaining the same logo, but here's a hint: The big corporations aren't stupid. There are a few good reasons to strive for an uncomplicated logo, including the merits of multimedia compatibility and immediate brand recognition/association.

It usually takes an experienced designer to deconstruct what may begin as a grand concept and pare it down to its simplest, most functional form while retaining an aesthetic quality.

That takes talent, and talent is a good investment. You don't need a budget equal to that of the big guns to get an equally effective logo, but you should be prepared to spend a little more for the sake of longterm peace of mind.

Cheap logos are just that. They have their place, but you need to think carefully about whether your brand presence is that place.